Doubts about capitalization
Safe " or safe?
is not difficult to find sentences like this: "I have since it is the domicile of the defendant in the courthouse and Safe Set aside in the accompanying documentation."
In general, in the forensic field is low on precision in the use of capitals and a tendency to use them, as in the case of the safe, with unconscious purpose to give more strength and greater respect for her.
But the reality is that no grammatical rule allows to write with a capital "the courthouse" or "safe" unless we put us on the assumption that they were the fancy name for a bar, in which case they would have acquired the status proper names.
Nomenclature "cadastral Cadastral or nomenclature?
rarely find this phrase written in lowercase. Most use capital letters for this compound common noun, without having ever wondered why.
The grammar rules in this category are very simple: the case should be used only for the beginning of the paragraph, after a point, titles of works, national symbols, commemorative dates, names and authorities. But as human beings we have a special vocation to complicate matters, believing that it elevates us above, we are inclined to write "Nomenclature Cadastral" to "District", "Apple" or "Plot", regardless of the abuse case we're doing.
"Certified Public Accountant or public accountant?
While CPN abbreviation is correct, no sense to keep the case when we wrote the whole words. In the same way we handle us when we use the terms engineer, doctor or lawyer, as when writing grocer, plumber, or auctioneer. Our language does not distinguish between professionals with college degrees and those who do not.
Applying the law "Law 20,213 or 20,213?
With unwanted frequency, can be found in court records the words law, decree, or ordinance agreed written in capital letters. Only reason to do so when we refer to the name of a certain law, for example, and Bankruptcy Law Bankruptcy Austral Convertibility Law, Workers' Compensation Act.
"Mr. Mr Justice or a judge?
In a study by Dr. Augusto César Belluscio, in 1988, reads: "There is ... a curious and incorrect practice, which is to give the capital a sense of respect or reverence. Thus, hardly a head a written attorney with the phrase "Honor" will surely write "Your Honor." However, committing a grammatical error since it is not the name of the judge but of identification of the role, which is not a proper name, common fate. " Consistent
thus, it is noteworthy that in the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, among others, the provinces of Buenos Aires and Santa Fe, the words appear repeatedly judge and clerk, always written in lowercase.
So far the thing has clear but, in the same work of Dr. Belluscio-paragraphs later, "we re-create the doubt when he says:" I note that the grammar of the Royal Academy said, without opening trial on whether right or wrong, that laws, decrees and official documents are usually written in capital letters all the words that express power, public power, dignity or important post. "
Excellency " Departmental camera or camera department Excellency?
Typing "Court of Appeals in Civil and Commercial Department of Blue", we are doing correctly, and it is a proper name, but if we refer to that same body saying "camera department is wrong to use capital letters. The fact that the reference is clear, is not comparable to the first case, if I say "my father", I mean one person, but never capitalized.
More meaningless is to "Excellency." Here we return to what Belluscio said, is a mistake to give the case a sense of respect or reverence. Its use is only due to grammatical reasons: to distinguish a proper name of a common, graphically display the beginning of a sentence or paragraph. Further, do not show enough respectfulness and ranking using the superlative "most excellent"? ... Why make a fantasy that does not fit into our language?. It is assumed that the maids know the spelling rules, and none of them may feel diminished when you see the bow made of this latest fashion.
"Extraordinary General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting?
is endless the list of expressions which regularly abused capitalization. It would be a fruitless labor trying to collect them all, but I can not remember something as common as the head of this paragraph ... is practical for everyday ... "The quorum will be achieved more easily, to call that?.
And I've seen "Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly, where it has become a capricious distinction
" actuary or an actuary?
In Latin, actuarius-ii, meaning scribe. In our courts is common to see used the word "clerk" as synonymous with secretary. This is correct and it is clear that the reserve that term dictionary for judicial officers who testify to the judicial proceedings and not awarded to any other person who draws record.
But there is no reason to write in capital letters, as unfortunately we see frequently.
To complete this topic, note another meaning that has emerged in the field of economics in recent times. There is called "clerk" to the professional whose goal is to value the facts of entities subject to risks, including insurance companies, authorities estimate, pension and health schemes, financial system, stock system, capitalization and savings funds. Basically, apply the laws of probability to the economic and social phenomena.
Does the Internet or internet?
The widespread word "internet", began as an acronym for International Networking, which translates literally as "international network" and a more precise concept "network of networks."
is part of some trademarks as Internet Explorer, or Internet Argentina, but alone is not a proper name. Its use has become so widespread that it has become a common noun, and write in capital letters is as wrong as if we put "Phone."
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