Despite its usual pejorative, I always liked the word dilettante. On the other hand, ignored until a minute that comes from the Italian dilettante, namely, that "delights" so the other day that if I worried about the absence of an abstract noun which derive (obviously does not exist " diletancia "and the" amateurism "is in retrospect) and, therefore, the absence of an essence which proceeded in both quality of the adjective in question, today I'm more relaxed, rounded to DRAE dilettante mean, simply, the amateur (in some art or field of knowledge) for pure and simple delight.
is a matter of nuances, but what nuances: the fan is forgiven, or should be forgiven all those blunders, shortcomings or deficiencies that never tolerate in his main antagonist: the professional. Rounds the obvious if we remember that professional , to continue with the semes, who exercises a profession or occupation paid (even with the demanding Apostille "with outstanding capacity and application") and not using a synonym bastard (and On the contrary, I have always hated), by mere hobby (hobby or entertainment practiced in leisure time ").
On the other hand, the central idea of \u200b\u200bpleasure (second and final hue) exempts the dilettante of any higher-order commitment to the field of their interest or hobby. The free, so to speak, Morrocotudo abstractions such as beauty, metaphysics, justice, social critique, the fate ... Purpose that in any case are often harass his other great antagonist, the Artist tremendous, but our dear amateur may well sneak a smile of indifference or even more hours in high disdain.
And of course, remain much calmer.
is a matter of nuances, but what nuances: the fan is forgiven, or should be forgiven all those blunders, shortcomings or deficiencies that never tolerate in his main antagonist: the professional. Rounds the obvious if we remember that professional , to continue with the semes, who exercises a profession or occupation paid (even with the demanding Apostille "with outstanding capacity and application") and not using a synonym bastard (and On the contrary, I have always hated), by mere hobby (hobby or entertainment practiced in leisure time ").
On the other hand, the central idea of \u200b\u200bpleasure (second and final hue) exempts the dilettante of any higher-order commitment to the field of their interest or hobby. The free, so to speak, Morrocotudo abstractions such as beauty, metaphysics, justice, social critique, the fate ... Purpose that in any case are often harass his other great antagonist, the Artist tremendous, but our dear amateur may well sneak a smile of indifference or even more hours in high disdain.
And of course, remain much calmer.
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