Friday, March 25, 2011

Hammerhead Go Kart 150cc

Placa para estampar de Born pretty store

I o receive this badge of Born pretty store is an online retailer of things for nails, brushes, makeup .. ade + can buy lots of 9 or 10 brushes glosses equal for example to you and your friends with really cheap prices and to be in dollars cheaper for us to leave us, that crazy about me as I read LOL and free shipping.

one of the blogs I follow (which are not few, I assure you) " In the cosmetics aisle " that registering on the page of the store and doing some stuff again, sending you home this plate for stamping on the face, asik I point.

There was some little problem about the shipping but I got in touch with Jessica from the store and told me he had had any problem making shipments and would arrive later than expected, but no problem, girl very quick answer that gives me confidence if I want to buy on its website.

o I have received and as you can see it has a Hello Kitty, another cat out there, a four-leaf clover, flowers, dolphins, butterflies ...

have not tested it yet because I have recently come to the university but as I say try it if it is a good board and put pics of the reasons but I have to make a thumbnail of each to prove it.

Asique for those who asked to be alert because yours must be coming soon.


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